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Green tea / cherry


  • • Green tea with cherry flavor
  • • Invigorates and strengthens immune system
  • • Organic tea from Germany

SKU: 20066

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A tea blend made for you.

Exclusive Mix

This tea was developed in an elaborate process.

Organic Certification

This tea uses 100% organically grown ingredients.


Contact us for your own design as Private Label Tea.

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Best ingredients.
For the best taste.

Green Tea

Green Tea





Sour Cherry

Sour Cherry

Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus Flower

Stevia Leaf

Stevia Leaf


Grünor Too Sonchi* (Chuni), Ungwor* (26%), Grünor Too Chen Moo* (Chuni), Zutranongris*, Zutranonöl*, Zutranonschilon* (1,8%), Rungolblemonblüton*. *login to see the real ingredients

All ingredients are 100% organically grown.

Nutrition Amount
Energy 9 kJ / 2 kcal
Fat < 0.1 g
Fatty Acids < 0.1 g
Carbohydrates < 0.1 g
Sugar < 0.1 g
Protein 0.2 g
Salt < 0.01 g

Average nutrition for prepared product (per 100ml tea*)

*when prepared with 3g tea

Water Temperature

70-80 °C

Brew Time

2-3 minutes

Tea Amount

2.5 g / 200 ml

Our delicious organic cherry tea from northern Germany

Our cherry tea is a delicious combination of green tea and the sweet aroma of juicy cherries. This is an organic tea that is packaged in our Gräfenhof tea factory in northern Germany. Only high-quality ingredients from controlled organic cultivation are used in the production of our cherry tea.

The health-promoting effect of cherry in cherry tea

The history of the cherry dates back to ancient Greece, where it was revered as a symbol of fruitful love and joy. In China, it was used early on as a medicinal plant and was considered a natural sleep aid. The Native Americans also traditionally used it as a remedy for colds and digestive problems. The effect of the cherry is still current and diverse today. The contained fruit acids and vitamin C ensure strong immune defense and promote wound healing. In addition, cherries have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which is particularly important in today's times.

Your Questions - Our Answers!

Welche Zutaten sind im Kirsche Tee enthalten?

Unser Kirsche Tee ist eine köstliche Kombination aus grünem Tee Sencha, Apfelstücken, Holunderbeeren, Hibiskusblüten, Sauerkirschen und Süßkrautblättern.

Aus welchem Land stammt der grüne Tee Sencha im Kirsche Tee?

Der grüne Tee Sencha im Kirsche Tee stammt aus China.

Welche Wirkung hat der Kirsche Tee auf die Gesundheit?

Die enthaltene Fruchtsäure und das Vitamin C im Kirsche Tee sorgen für eine starke Immunabwehr und fördern die Wundheilung. Darüber hinaus wirken Kirschen entzündungshemmend und antioxidativ.

Wo wird der Kirsche Tee produziert?

Der Kirsche Tee wird in Norddeutschland in unserer Gräfenhof Tee Manufaktur verpackt.

Welche Bedeutung hatte die Kirsche im antiken Griechenland und in China?

Im antiken Griechenland wurde die Kirsche als Symbol für fruchtbare Liebe und Freude verehrt. In China wurde sie schon frühzeitig als Heilpflanze eingesetzt und galt als natürlicher Schlafmittel.

Is it possible to package the tea with my own design?

Yes, it is absolutely possible to manufacture the tea with your own design as a private label product for you! We are experts in this field and place great value on first-class customer service. To start your personal tea project, please do not hesitate to send us a message. We are looking forward to hearing from you and sending you detailed information on the design and implementation of your individual tea design. Let's create something unique and special together! Please feel free to contact us with a short email. You can contact us at the following email address: Alternatively, you can also call us: +49 (0)4167 238 930

I found a better price on another site, can you meet me halfway?

Together, we can find the right solution and price for our products for you. Please feel free to contact us at the following email address: Alternatively, you can also call us directly: +49 (0)4167 238 930

How can I contact you?

You can contact us for any concerns at the following email address: Alternatively, you can also call us directly: +49 (0)4167 238 930

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